On 04/22/2014 07:05 AM, Richard Levitte wrote:
> Wow!  I didn't quite expect this amount silence.
> I guess that interest is pretty damn non-existent then...
> Well then...  I'm thinking I'm going to drop this project entirely.
> This means that it will have to move elsewhere, database, web site,
> mailing lists.  Most of it is at your fingertips, all anyone of you
> needs to do is to take the updated (make sure you've got all branches)
> database you currently have and set up a server around it, extract the
> web pages from the free.lp.se:X.ctwm.web branch and go! ... well, that
> and resurect the mailing lists.

CTWM formed the foundation of my requirements from a window manager:
application selection based on semantic, rather than geometric,
criteria.   I was fiddling around with this when the debate was between
VTWM and TVTWM, and CTWM was a lightning bolt.

These days, the folks who are interested in this sort of semantic
desktop organization are clustered around Tiling window managers.  I've
been using xmonad for a few years now.

I see that the mailing list archive site is dead.  That's a shame.

- Allen S. Rout

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