On Mon, 17 Jun 2002 15:24:49 -0400
Rudolph T Maceyko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> remarque astucieusement:

> I would also like to see my AlwaysSqueezeToGravity patch included. 
> I've written about it at:
>   http://pobox.com/~rm55/ctwm/
> I'm planning to update that page for ctwm-3.6 (and of course Red Hat 
> 7.3).  My patch applies cleanly to ctwm-3.6 except where it adds to 
> gram.y.
> Rudy

   I have aplied it, it will be in next release.


Claude Lecommandeur           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EPFL - SIC                    +41 21 693 22 97
1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)   http://slwww.epfl.ch/SIC/SL/info/Claude.html

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