
   This is a bison problem, just apply the attached patch.


On Tue, 22 Oct 2002 09:37:34 +0200
Thomas Linden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> remarque astucieusement:

> Hi,
> I am unable to compile ctwm 3.6 on solaris 8. the old version
> 3.5.2 was ok, but this one seems to be changed in some way.
> First, my compiler (gcc version 2.95.2 19991024) complains, that
> these options are not supported:
>    CCOPTIONS = -Xc -xF -xcg92
> After commenting CCOPTIONS out in the generated Makefile and running
> make, I'm getting this error message:
> cc -O        -I/usr/openwin/include  -Dsun -Dsparc -DSVR4 -DSYSV    
> -DUSEM4  -DXPM      -c  gram.c gram.y: In function `yyparse':
> gram.y:686: parse error before `}'
> *** Error code 1
> make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `gram.o'
> I checked gram.y and found a syntax error:
> wingeom_entry   : string string { AddToList (&Scr->WindowGeometries,
> $1, $2) }
> (semicolon missing).
> After I added the missing semicolon, I re-run 'make' and now 
> it worked.
> kind regards, Tom 
> -- 
>  [ Thomas Linden - http://www.daemon.de/ - [EMAIL PROTECTED] ] 
>  $_=`perl -v`;s;^.*ll;;s;$^=unpack"u","'8V]D;')E<```";s;\W;;gs;$/=7*
>  ($^=~s;.;;g);%^=map{$_=>1}split//,lc;$_=join$\,(sort keys(%^))[map{
>  ord($_)-$/}split//,'1I7E13?@E:7C1A7C=1:35<7C'];s"0(.)" \U$1"g;print;

Claude Lecommandeur           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EPFL - SIC                    +41 21 693 22 97
1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)  

This signature intentionally left boring.

Attachment: bison.patch
Description: Binary data

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