Hi all

Beginner with cURL, so please be gentle. :)
Developing using FreeBasic on XP, for MS-DOS on a separate machine.
Using cvs version of 20th June.
My main need is to let my customers automatically update versions of executable files from my website. A test program that I have written to transfer a web page from my site works perfectly, and downloads a html document of 5kb in a few seconds.
Loading the page on the xp machine shows no errors in the transfer.

However, when I try to download an executable file of  677kb,  it  downloads
about 300 bytes, and no further action. The second time I tried , it downloaded 43kb.
The verbose option shows the correct file size to the screen
but after that no further info gets printed.My timer aborts after 300 sec's
Although the code is for FreeBasic, it is easily readable. I know that I am not doing success checking
after each call, but this is only a test, and there are no errors when I do.
Note website name changed.
My question is, have I forgotton to set certain options that are needed, or am I going about this
all wrong for that type of transfer.
Any constructive suggestions appreciated.

   http_handle = curl_easy_init()    'Initialize and get Handle
   FP = FreeFile
   Open "MC211.exe"For Binary Access Write As #FP
   curl_easy_setopt( http_handle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE,1)
curl_easy_setopt( http_handle, CURLOPT_URL, "http://www.mysite.com.au/Downloads/Mc211.exe"; )
   curl_easy_setopt( http_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, @write_callback )
   multi_Handle = curl_multi_init()
   curl_multi_add_handle(multi_handle, http_handle)
   Dim StartTime As Double = Timer
       If Timer - StartTime > 300 Then Exit do
       curl_multi_perform(multi_handle, @running)
       If running < 1 Then Exit Do
   Close #FP
   curl_multi_cleanup(multi_handle)            'reset options to default.
   curl_easy_cleanup(http_handle)         'cleanup and quit cURL
   Dim EndTime As Double = Timer
   Print Using "Time Elapsed =###.## Sec's"; EndTime - StartTime

The write_callback function simply writes bytes received to the file.


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