On 04/16/2013 03:50 PM, Marc Hoersken wrote:
since I am currently trying to make the test suite work on Windows, it
would be great if we could avoid those Unix-only functions. Neither
epoll nor poll are available on Windows-based Python installations.
The recently introduced libuv example made me take a look into the
libuv library and it looks promising. Maybe we could try to move all
the event-based / asynchronous network code use an abstraction layer
(such as libevent, libev or the new libuv). This would also remove the
dependency on Python. (Of course it would introduce a new dependency
for the abstraction layer at the same time.)

Well, creating an abstraction layer for async networking wouldn't remove the Python dependency, since the test server for HTTP pipelining is still written in Python. We could of course rewrite it in another language, for example Perl. That's unfortunately rather low on my prio list. :-(

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