On Sat, 31 Aug 2013, Thomas Dineen wrote:

I am using libcurl and some of Curl Website example code as calling routines for a multi-platform project where a webpage is read from finance.yahoo.com.


Now when I perform the exact same access on Fedora 14 the read performance is very slow. When the read access is executed by sending the URL

I don't understand this part. The read access is executed?

there seems to be a pause of one or two minutes to get a response.

What!? Let me check I understand you correctly: You get an up to 120 seconds pause when you use libcurl on this Fedora that you don't see if the same program run on Windows or Solaris?

120 seconds is an insanely long time!

Also the libcurl version varies in all three environments. However this morning I updated the Fedora 14 environment to the libcurl newest version 7.32 and the performance did not improve.

From what version did you upgrade? Do you only transfer plain HTTP? Have you
tried it on more than one specific Fedora host?

Can you tell us which of the example codes that shows this problem if you run it against the yahoo http server? Are you using the example unmodified or can you provide us with the code you're trying?


 / daniel.haxx.se
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