On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 3:42 PM, Waitman Gobble <gobble...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 2:56 PM, Ray Satiro via curl-library <
> curl-library@cool.haxx.se> wrote:
>> On 3/7/2016 3:10 AM, Waitman Gobble wrote:
>>> Thanks for the replies, I will read through them and figure it out. I
>>> really appreciate it.
>>> I didn't post the entire file.
>>> One thing I think the problem is in lib/http.c
>>>        else if(data->set.postfields)
>>>          expectsend = (curl_off_t)strlen(data->set.postfields);
>>> strlen is wrong, the binary data has a character that cuts it off at
>>> byte 172, the string is actually much bigger.
>>> The documentation states that curl will use strlen if POSTFIELDSIZE is
>>> not provided. But it looks like it's using strlen anyway..:(
>>> I'm guessing that' why it's sitting there until the end of time?
>>> using the form struct doesn't look like it will help. I don't see how
>>> to put "already" formatted data into the struct.. Basically I'd have
>>> to regurgitate the data and break it into objects and feed back into
>>> the form api, which seems not so good. But perhaps I'm mistaken.
>> The code you're citing in http.c [1] afaict shouldn't be called in your
>> case unless a rewind is necessary due to some problem. However if that code
>> is called it sets the size to data->state.infilesize:
>>     switch(data->set.httpreq) {
>>     case HTTPREQ_POST:
>>       if(data->state.infilesize != -1)
>>         expectsend = data->state.infilesize;
>>       else if(data->set.postfields)
>>         expectsend = (curl_off_t)strlen(data->set.postfields);
>>       break;
>> data->state.infilesize should be != -1 because in transfer.c [2] if the
>> method is not PUT then data->state.infilesize = data->set.postfieldsize.
>> Regardless I totally misread what you are doing, it is unusual. I looked
>> at your repo [3] and it appears you have a file that basically contains a
>> raw multipart post and you want to send that to the server as one without
>> libcurl handling the parts. In order to do that you need to set the
>> boundary header, so ignore my comment about removing that header it appears
>> you are on the right track.
>> The reason why the file fails to post is you are not sending the correct
>> boundary value in the header. multipart boundaries in content are supposed
>> to start with two dashes and then the header value, so in other words if
>> your boundary value was foo then you'd have a header like "Content-Type:
>> multipart/form-data; boundary=foo" and boundaries in the preformatted
>> content like:
>> --foo
>> Content-Disposition: form-data; name="bar"
>> data
>> --foo
>> Content-Disposition: form-data; name="baz"
>> data
>> --foo--
>> So take away the first two dashes and it's foo, or in your case you have
>> this in the raw data and the header:
>> -----------------------------84927149120355803091994092429
>> but in the header remove two dashes and make it this:
>> ---------------------------84927149120355803091994092429
>> From RFC 2046 [4]:
>> The Content-Type field for multipart entities requires one parameter,
>> "boundary". The boundary delimiter line is then defined as a line
>> consisting entirely of two hyphen characters ("-", decimal value 45)
>> followed by the boundary parameter value from the Content-Type header
>> field, optional linear whitespace, and a terminating CRLF.
>> That still doesn't explain why libcurl is waiting on BSD but not on
>> Linux. That could be a separate issue. If you discover what that is or have
>> a way to reproduce let us know.
>> Also note for your example to be compatible on Windows it must be opened
>> with "rb".
>> [1]: https://github.com/curl/curl/blob/curl-7_47_1/lib/http.c#L411-L416
>> [2]:
>> https://github.com/curl/curl/blob/curl-7_47_1/lib/transfer.c#L1340-L1343
>> [3]: http://git.cloudqx.com/root/test-curl
>> [4]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2046#section-5.1.1
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> List admin: https://cool.haxx.se/list/listinfo/curl-library
>> Etiquette:  https://curl.haxx.se/mail/etiquette.html
> Thanks for your help! It's good news. I'll try to see why it's hanging on
> FreeBSD.
> --
> Waitman Gobble
> Los Altos California USA
> 650 900 8557

Appears to be a firewall issue. I made a dummy PHP script that opens
connection and does simple post without curl. So, it hangs like the curl
test. But for some reason only on multipart/form-data posts. Disabling
firewall allows multipart post.. so I think there's not a curl issue here.

$opts = array(
        'http' => array(
                'method'  => 'POST',
                'header'  =>  [
                        'Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
                        'Content-Length: '.strlen($postdata)
                'content' => $postdata
                'ssl' => array(
                'verify_peer'   => false,
                'ciphers' => 'HIGH:!SSLv2:!SSLv3'
$ctx  = stream_context_create($opts);
$form = file_get_contents('https://hub.zilla.tech/filepost.php', false,
echo $form;

Waitman Gobble
Los Altos California USA
List admin: https://cool.haxx.se/list/listinfo/curl-library
Etiquette:  https://curl.haxx.se/mail/etiquette.html

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