> I'm still working through your patch and should have some comments this week. 

I've now used the applied patch (had to be done in a unix world) to build and 
deploy cUrl and our downstream dlls.  

So this patch isn't a show stopper for us.

On the other hand I still have to use the MAKE="NMAKE /E" hack which then 
allows me to override the internal workings of MakefileBuild.vc.   If I was the 
one supporting this build system I would say that that puts me outwith 
"supported usage" - the more so since the parameterisation I then use isn't 
listed when I say "nmake /f Makefile.vc".  As a builder and deployer this makes 
me nervous and I need to check that the makefiles haven't changed between 

In order for this build to add any value for me I'd need to be able to set 
BASE_NAME and BASE_NAME_DEBUG (patch attached).  I need to do this to 
proactively avoid DLL hell further down the line.   

It would also make me more comfortable to know that I was using supported 
options (by adding them to the help text).  The ones I use which are not in the 
help text are


Your example uses the last three, plus LIBPATH, SSH2_LIBS, SSH2_CFLAGS, so at 
least those should be added to the help text.

It occurs to me as I type this that you can also finesse the huge path issue by 
just allowing a used to short cut in the setting of CONFIG_NAME_LIB in 

Hope this helps


Attachment: 0002-Modify-Kees-s-patch-to-allow-command-line-override-o.patch
Description: Binary data

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