Hi Daniel,

Thank you for the explanation.

There is one further question I could ask you. If we look at the multi-uv example -- using the method of events on socket file descriptors:


When this statement comes to pass in program execution:

uv_run(loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT);

why does the libcurl only do one iteration of the transfer of the CURLM* handle? Namely, you have set up all the easy handles and add them to the CURLM* handle again everytime.

If you try running this program and comment out these instructions:

curl_multi_remove_handle(curl_handle, easy_handle);

then you would expect that upon calling the CURLM* handle it reuses the original easy handles and does the same transfer again. But this is not what is happening. The point is I would like to reuse the easy handles and not have to re-establish them everytime.

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