On Wed, 31 Jul 2019, Dipak B via curl-library wrote:

- What are the steps to initialise libcurl without CURL_GLOBAL_SSL? Could not find answer to this after spending time on this.

Since 7.57.0, CURL_GLOBAL_SSL has no meaning for libcurl. And before that, it wasn't clearly documented what it meant anyway. Mentioned here: https://curl.haxx.se/docs/knownbugs.html#CURL_GLOBAL_SSL

-The documentation states that when CURL_GLOBAL_SSL is not used then initialisation of SSL layer needs to be done by application or atleast outside of libcurl.

Before 7.57.0, yes. But it was not clear exactly what it meant, correct. It was highly error-prone and mostly artifacts of past decisions not reconsidered in time.

- My understanding is to call OpenSSL APIs for initialisation of TLS but then I will have to link to OpenSSL too.

Yes. But I would not go down that route if I were you, I would rather work with a modern libcurl version and if you're missing something from the TLS usage within libcurl (like FIPS) then work on fixing that inside libcurl proper.

Presently, I am linking with static libcurl only. Will this work? Is this the correct understanding?

Sure, since libcurl prusumably can use openssl then your app can too, if you just link it correctly (and include the right headers etc).

- What are steps to initialise TLS layer without using CURL_GLOBAL_SSL?

That's unsupported behavior these days. To go down that route, I would advice you to consider paid support (for example as explained in my signature) as I doubt many people here feel like doing archeology like that just for the fun of it...


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