On Thu, 20 Feb 2020, Jason Proctor via curl-library wrote:

I see that Curl has a configure option for pointing it at an OpenSSL installation, but so far I have been unable to make this work. With the latest versions of both packages, and OpenSSL successfully built and installed, the Curl configure step can't find the (perfectly good and fine) OpenSSL installation.

Questions - is this mechanism still supported? Are there known good versions of Curl and OpenSSL which do this dance successfully? Is there another route from Curl to OpenSSL built from source?

It is very much supported. I use it myself very frequently and we have CI builds using it.

1. build OpenSSL

  ./config enable-tls1_3 --prefix=/home/daniel/build-openssl
  make install

2. build curl

  LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,$HOME/build-openssl/lib" \
  ./configure --with-ssl=$HOME/build-openssl

3. Smile

The LDFLAGS trick is of course not strictly necessary, but is convenient.


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