On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 03:25:15AM +0000, Norton, Mike via curl-users wrote:
> If it's a "feature you're seldom interested in" then I don't see how you can 
> say the "benefits of supporting it are great". It seems to me you are 
> interested in accessing resources on the local disk, not specifically 
> interested in using the "file:" URI scheme per se. So it is that former that 
> is great, not the latter.

It's SMB support I'm not interested in these days, not local filesystem

> I never once suggested removing the ability to use resources on the local 
> disk. I only (half-jokingly) suggested that supporting a particular URI 
> scheme for specifying such, when the meaning of that particular scheme could 
> be ambiguous, might be questionable.

I'm not sure what alternative to the file: scheme such support would take. "curl
groks those URLs" and file: is the URL for this.

> And as I said, I am okay with the current answer.
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