On Sun, 10 Jan 2021, Patrick Monnerat wrote:

Could be turned at first as:

void abcd(struct Curl_easy *data)


Sure it can, and if you can come up with a way where that helps then good for you. In my head that's just an intermediate step that I don't think is necessary to land separately, but I would proceed and do the next step too before submitting the PR...

For things like handlers and TLS procedures (i.e.: where there are several procedures that must have the same prototype signature), as first (multiple) steps we can rewrite the procedures to turn:

There too, I don't really see the gain in the double-step. Personally, I rather instead do it fully at once, but limiting the change to one API/concept at a time. But I'm not saying it can't be done that way.

I don't think we have a lot of wiggle room to do that. Everything we do in libcurl is oriented around a transfer and properties like callbacks and VERBOSE are set in the transfer object. We can't output any logs without also knowing the transfer!

As the current logging is implemented, I agree. That's why I suggested alternatives.

We're rather tied up in API and ABI behavior so I can't see a lot of room to change this... But if you have ideas then I'll certainly listen!


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