On Wed, 12 May 2021, Felipe Gasper via curl-library wrote:

On a couple of occasions now I’ve chased down segfaults that it turned out were happening because a callback was freeing the multi.

Is there any kind of “debug mode” in libcurl available that would warn, assert, or otherwise complain if something like that happens? I _think_ I have a fix in place that will prevent the issue moving forward, but that’s what I thought last time I fixed this problem. :-P

If there’s not such a mode available, would that be a reasonable feature to add?

curl_multi_remove_handle doesn't "free the multi" though, so it sounds like you're mixing something here.

curl_multi_cleanup() will already not accept getting called from within a callback:


curl_multi_remove_handle also tries to detect and avoid getting called from within a callback:


... but since you write this, I assume something makes these conditional checks not be good enough. Can you figure out why? And if so, how would such an additional "debug check" you speak of work that isn't already checked for?


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