On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 03:42:34PM +0200, Hugo Valtier via curl-library wrote:
> Instead of using the Path Gateway it uses the Trustless Gateway which
> answers with a stream of blocks and walks the merkle-tree, verifies
> hashes and deserializes it on the fly.
> This would make curl or libcurl capable of downloading ipfs:// content
> from any reachable IPFS node, not just a localhost trusted one.

I'm far from an expert in IPFS, but my understanding was that there were two
main ways to get files over IPFS: one is to get them via HTTP from an IPFS
gateway that knows about IPFS (what curl does now) and the other is to become a
full-fledged node in the IPFS network and speak the IPFS protocols to the
world.  What you describe sounds like a third method, where one may somehow
find a full IPFS node that happens to have your file and talk a subset of the
IPFS protocol to get that file. Is that an accurate assessment? If so, is that
really a mode that would be used by a significant number of people?  How do you
find an appropriate node for each file, for example?
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