I have a subclass of a CommandButton which has a completely custom draw
method. The button I am trying to create displays an image next to the label
and has a completely different border than the default CommandButton.
The problem that I am currently having is that the default bounds set by the
CommandButton class are not compatible with the way I want to layout and
paint my custom button. I would like the bounds to be wider, and slightly

If I specifically set the height and width options in the constructor, I
am able
to get things to work. However, this causes problems if the code using my
button tries to later override these options.

My question is how and where is the original CommandButton class calculating
its ascent, descent, lextent, rextent, etc. The values are all based on the
current font size and the value of the label text. I know how to
calculate the
values given a text string and font size. My questions is where is
CommandButton doing this and what method(s) should I be overriding to cause
my button to integrate smoothly?

I tried looking at the constrain-height, get-elastic-bounds-into, and
get-height-preference methods, but none of them seem to be getting called.

The set-size method is called once the bounds have been computed?

I have thought of a few ways to make the button work, in that it will
correctly, but I would really like to do it the "right" way.

Thanks in advance.

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