>>>>> "leiflists" == Leif Mortenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 > The Curl languages provides a number of Array-of aliases, like ByteArray
 > which maps to {Array-of byte}
 > I have a class, MyClass, for which I would like to do the same. I tried the
 > following just before my class definition:
 > let public constant MyClassArray:ClassType = {Array-of MyClass}
 > {define-class public MyClass
 > field private m_children:MyClassArray
 > <etc>
 > When I try to load this class, I get the following error:
 > Invalid type expression 'MyClassArray'.

Sometimes circular type references like this aren't allowed when they
should be, because the alias depends on the class and the class
depends on the alias.  We are working on fixing this.  But in the
meantime, if you put your 'let' after the 'define-class' it should
work.  Sometimes, because of this bug, you may find you can't always
use your handy alias inside the class that the alias depends on, but
you can use it everywhere else.

Also, I recommend always using curly braces around top-level 'let' and
'set' so if such code goes into an applet they don't just get silently
displayed as raw text.  I assume that's not the cause of the problem
here, because I was able to reproduce it.


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