> There is no way to share the fiducials, is there?


The way Grid and Table are currently built, there is not a way to share
fiducials between multiple Tables (or Grids).  It would certainly be interesting
to be able to do so, although it could also be fairly hairy in the general case.

So about the only alternatives I can suggest to you are either (1) use some kind
of scheme like Cheese outlined, where you observe the changes in sizes of
objects in one Table and propagate them explicitly to a second Table (or
actually the second container might not have to be a Table, depending on your
situation), or else (2) find a way to combine your two Tables into one, perhaps
by putting the intervening material, or an empty placeholder, also in the Table.
Depending on your situation, you could make this work by adding the intervening
material as an object that spans all of the Table's rows (or columns) -- or if
you use an empty placeholder, present the intervening material as another object
overlaid over the placeholder.                                  -Bert

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