There are two different concepts, "parent" and "owner". I don't
think that any of the Views you are talking about will have a
parent and View.set-position will do what you want it to do.

Here is a small example. The View will be shown when you load
it. Move it around to some position on the screen and press the
Get Position button. Then move it somewhere else and press
Set Position. Notice that it goes back to where it was when you
pressed Get Position.

This works because a top-level View (any View with a title bar)
has no parent.


{curl 3.0 applet}

{let v:View =
            margin = .25in,
            "This is a sample View"

{let vx:Distance}
{let vy:Distance}

    {CommandButton label="Get Position",
        {on Action do
            {if (not v.destroyed?) then
                set (vx, vy) = {v.get-position}
    {CommandButton label="Set Position",
        {on Action do
            {if (not v.destroyed?) then
                {v.set-position vx, vy}


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