On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 07:27:33PM +0900, Ryota Ozaki wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm adding a new build variable MKCTF, which
> was discussed on the chat some days ago.
> Currently CTF tools are built and used to generate
> and manipulate CTF data of ELF binaries when
> we build with MKDTRACE=yes. Unfortunately,
> current CTF tools don't work on i386/amd64/arm,
> and that adds a burden to try DTrace by users.
> The new variable is intended to separate CTF
> stuffs from MKDTRACE; we can build DTrace
> solely without worrying about the CTF issues.
> Fortunately, CTF data are not used yet by
> current DTrace of NetBSD, so DTrace still
> works without CTF data.

The CTF data for the kernel are needed in order to use
DTrace on the kernel, no?


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