On 18 August 2014 07:28, Christos Zoulas <chris...@zoulas.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Now that we have branched 7, I am planning to enable full wedge support for
> kernels that used wedges before. What this means is that disks with mbr and
> bsd labels will now create dkN devices for each partition in found. This
> should be generally transparent, because fstab offers backwards compatibility
> support. I.e. in the general case, your machine should boot and work fine
> without requiring any changes. There are some corner cases:
> [...]

Is there a plan to update sysinst?

I just tried to boot the HEAD amd64 install.img to try to test DRMKMS
and it first failed to find sysinst, and when run manually it prompted
to install onto the base sdX devices and choked. I could install
manually, but I only had a little time to test and didn't want to run
headlong into any other wedge issues.

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