On Thu, Oct 02, 2014 at 09:37:36PM +0200, Hauke Fath wrote:
> On Thu, 02 Oct 2014 22:56:56 +0400, Aleksej Saushev wrote:
> >> openldap is used by postfix, sshd and amd. There is also pam-ldap in
> >> pkgsrc that we might want to import into base.
> >> 
> >> All this is only using the client part of openldap.
> > 
> > I'd like better intergration of LDAP with at least PAM and NSS modules.
> Yes, but Thomas' point (which I support) is that unless _you_ commit to 
> doing it, it's not going to happen any time soon.

But it already works. I'm writting this e-mail from a NetBSD/amd64
LDAP client. It is true that I have to use the NSS module and PAM from
"pkgsrc". But at least the auto mounter from base works out of the box:

tron@lyssa:~>cat /etc/amd.conf
# Automounter configuration for "lyssa.zhadum.org.uk"

auto_attrcache     = 1
ldap_base          = dc=zhadum,dc=org,dc=uk
ldap_hostports     = zhadum.org.uk
ldap_proto_version = 3
nfs_proto          = udp
search_path        = /etc/amd
unmount_on_exit    = yes

[ /home ]
map_name =      amd.home
map_type =      ldap

[ /share ]
map_name =      amd.share
map_type =      ldap

[ /scratch ]
map_name =      amd.scratch
map_type =      ldap

[ /volumes ]
map_name =      volumes
map_type =      file

And I wouldn't particular appreciate to lose this feature.

        Kind regards

Matthias Scheler                                 https://zhadum.org.uk/

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