On Apr 11,  9:34am, g...@gson.org (Andreas Gustafsson) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: PIE binaries and ASLR are on in the default build for amd64

| Christos Zoulas wrote:
| > Please repoort any issues!
| The install media are failing to boot on the testbed:
|   exec /sbin/init: error 2
|   init: trying /sbin/oinit
|   exec /sbin/oinit: error 2
|   init: trying /sbin/init.bak
|   exec /sbin/init.bak: error 2
|   init: trying /rescue/init
|   exec /rescue/init: error 2
|   init path (default /sbin/init):
| More logs at:

2 is ENOENT... It does not find any files? 


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