I've nuked /use/obj (to which the various /use/src/.../obj directories
point), and /use/src/compat/amd64/i386/obj.  What else, or what -really-
needs to be attended to?


On Apr 20, 2016 7:17 AM, "Robert Swindells" <r...@fdy2.co.uk> wrote:

> bch <brad.har...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >So, my ./build.sh distribution has been failing for a couple days w/
> >libedit. I see an update the the UPDATING doc about clearing out
> >autogenerated files, so I nuked my obj dir, and nuked
> >./src/lib/libedit and re-pulled from CVS, but I'm still getting this.
> >Related, or coincidence? Is there something else that I need to clean
> >out?
> Did you clean out both obj directories as described in UPDATING ?

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