Hmmm, since you are building on macos, it could be a case-sensitive file system issue. I have a hmac man page in section 3, but not HMAC.

On Mon, 8 Oct 2018, Adam wrote:


This is what I get while trying to build amd64 or i386 (today sources).

=======  3 extra files in DESTDIR  =========
Files in DESTDIR but missing from flist.
File is obsolete or flist is out of date ?
=========  end of 3 extra files  ===========

Please, fix. :)

Did you start with an empty destdir?


Yes. I usually point the destdir to a ram-disk, so it's always empty.
Also, I cross-build on macOS, but that shouldn't matter, right?

Kind regards,


| Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:          |
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