On Wed, 29 May 2019 20:10:19 -0000 (UTC), mlel...@serpens.de (Michael
van Elst) wrote:

> It's lousy code that computes the input fields geometry wrongly.

An interesting data point noted here:


and more importantly here:


is that an intel video device with no DRM support at all (neither KMS
nor UMS) does not exhibit the glitching/bad field geometry.

All the other devices I tried had some form of DRM (most KMS, except a
VIA device which used "viadrmums" driver).

I don't think I have any other non-DRM-supported video devices--all at
least use the legacy UMS drm drivers in my custom kernels, but most of
those don't have video console normally.

Perhaps the problem is in the DRM subsystem (whether KMS or UMS)?

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