On Mon, 1 Jun 2020, Jukka Ruohonen wrote:

On Mon, Jun 01, 2020 at 01:36:01PM +0300, Jukka Ruohonen wrote:
I'd like to run amd64/MODULAR, but I have forgotten how to load modules via
the boot loader. In particular, I need FFS in order to boot.

To reply to myself: it works if I uncomment "-no file-system FFS". I do not
know whether I actually have ever had FFS as a module.

It's really easy.  Just fix your syntax:


Also, you'll need to include a couple of dependency/required modules:


And finally, there are a couple of options which are not yet modular.
You may need to remove some options from the modules' Makefile and
build custom modules.

In any case, amd64/MODULAR is not really that modular...

$ modstat | grep builtin | wc -l

You can strip out a lot more modules and still have a functioning
system.  Mostly you can remove all the device drivers for devices
that don't exist, but there are other things, too.


$ modstat | grep builtin | wc -l

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