On Thu, 24 Sep 2020, Paul Goyette wrote:

=======  2 extra files in DESTDIR  =========
Files in DESTDIR but missing from flist.
File is obsolete or flist is out of date ?
=========  end of 2 extra files  ===========

The build finished OK after I removed the two files from destdir, as
expected. Apparently they have been obsoleted just after I initiated
my last overnight full build from scratch.

That's because nia@ simply removed the entries in the sets-list file
rather than marking them as obsolete!

Nia, please fix!

Looks like nia@ is offline right now, so I just committed the fix for

| Paul Goyette       | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:     |
| (Retired)          | FA29 0E3B 35AF E8AE 6651 | p...@whooppee.com     |
| Software Developer | 0786 F758 55DE 53BA 7731 | pgoye...@netbsd.org   |

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