On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 06:39:48AM +0200, Martin Husemann wrote:
> Do you know the file offset where the corruption started?

I don't have that one any more, but I found a different one.

In this case, the range of bytes from 1291124737-1291157504 (32768
bytes) is zeroed out. 1291124737 = 0x4CF50001, 1291157504 =
0x4CF58000. It's on NFS.

> Can you show "dumpfs $rawdev | head -15" for that file system?

One was NFS where I can't get this to work.

The other is

dumpfs /disk/storage_202008 | head -15
file system: /dev/rdk5
format  FFSv2
endian  little-endian
location 65536  (-b 128)
magic   19540119        time    Tue Oct 13 22:11:31 2020
superblock location     65536   id      [ 5f2bfb64 6b0a718f ]
cylgrp  dynamic inodes  FFSv2   sblock  FFSv2   fslevel 5
nbfree  123342287       ndir    4136    nifree  120190114       nffree  14975
ncg     17107   size    3856137728      blocks  3848336845
bsize   32768   shift   15      mask    0xffff8000
fsize   4096    shift   12      mask    0xfffff000
frag    8       shift   3       fsbtodb 3
bpg     28177   fpg     225416  ipg     7040
minfree 1%      optim   space   maxcontig 2     maxbpg  4096
symlinklen 120  contigsumsize 2

(256 bytes seemed small to me for a file system issue - one reason
more to thing it might be UVM related).

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