> On 17/04/21 6:30 pm, Lloyd Parkes wrote:
> > I am using the Mercurial repository at https://anonhg.NetBSD.org/src for
> > fetching the source code because it's nice and quick

> So I'm now downloading the source code through CVS instead of Mercurial
> because nobody else seems to be having the same problems that I'm having
> building with GCC 10.
> I've been running CVS for more than two hours now, and it has terminated with
> a broken connection 10 (make that 11) times so far. I'm rerunning with "cvs
> update", so I am making progress. Even so, CVS has only just got to paths
> starting with the letter "d".

> As someone who has used CVS for almost 30 years now, I'm happy to say that CVS
> just needs to be retired. Have a flag day, check that the content in the HEADs
> all match up and then make CVS read-only. I know many of us are old and
> grumpy, but that model T isn't our every day drive any more.
> Cheers,
> Lloyd
> p.s. The code in Mercurial seems to match what I can browse on the FTP site,  
> so I really am at a loss as to why I can't build, so I am checking everything.

I too would like to see CVS retired.  

There is a long wait for cvs update to start, and longer wait to return to 
command prompt after the update download is finished.

Svn has lesser such delays; git is much faster.

FreeBSD switched doc and src trees from svn to git, and more recently switched 
the ports tree to git.


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