> > On Sat, Jun 04, 2022 at 05:16:34AM +0000, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> > My big concern with the branch is the entropy bug, where building
> > many packages from pkgsrc is stopped.

> Yes, you are kinda right:
>         https://wiki.netbsd.org/releng/netbsd-10/
> "Waiting for Randot" as open point, although you may notice that all other
> entropy related subpoints have been dealt with.
> But again: this is not a bug, but a broken system setup - and nowadays
> it is pretty hard to get into that state on new installations. The installer
> will push you very hard to fix the setup before completing installation.
> Various improvements in this area have happened lately, and once your
> system setup is fixed (one time, and savely shutdown or rebooted w/o
> crash after that fix) everything will just work.
> But most importantly in this context: this is nothing that can delay
> the branch itself (only the release). The one sub item that altered
> libc ABI (addition of getentropy(3)) has happened. 
> Martin

I suppose now the branch is just a few days away, and running "cvs up -dP -A" 
will just go the new HEAD?

A lot must have happened with NetBSD-current since the time of 9.99.82, a 
little more than one year ago.

I will want to try on amd64 and i386.


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