On 23-06-05 03:01, I wrote:
  | BTW: I don't know why replacing
  |     NOINFO=         # defined
  |     NOLINT=         # defined
  |     NOMAN=          # defined
  |     MKREPRO=no     # Native toolchain might be unable to do it
  |     .include <bsd.own.mk>
  | with 
  |     .include <bsd.hostinit.mk>
  | where bsd.hostinit.mk is:
  |     NOINFO=         # defined
  |     NOLINT=         # defined
  |     NOMAN=          # defined
  |     MKREPRO=no      # Native toolchain might be unable to do it
  |     .include <bsd.init.mk>
  | and bsd.init.mk:
  |     .-include "${.CURDIR}/../Makefile.inc"
  |     .include <bsd.own.mk>
  |     .MAIN: all
  | causes such issues with tools/llvm*.
  | Maybe something in the ../Makefile.inc, or the .MAIN:all ?
  | I didn't have time to debug, easier to revert my change.

It looks like Christos already ran into this problem in 2018
when he first implemented <bsd.hostinit.mk>!
Per tools/Makefile.host history:

revision 1.34
date: 2018-05-05 00:50:18 +1000;  author: christos;  state: Exp;  lines: +7 -2; 
 commitid: SGtsHWSE1y0IqZAA;
revert previous, breaks llvm build and not easy to fix.
revision 1.33
date: 2018-05-02 05:59:46 +1000;  author: christos;  state: Exp;  lines: +2 -7; 
 commitid: 10Ge8
Create a new bsd.hostinit.mk file and put the build definitions for all host
programs there; make all Makefiles that use bsd.hostprog.mk include it.
Namely turn off MKREPRO and don't make lint, man pages, info files etc.
Remove the Makefile.inc files that contained these same settings, and
remove the settings from Makefile.host

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