On Fri, Jul 07, 2023 at 07:49:56AM +0000, RVP wrote:
> Looks like PR kern/57440.


> I get those same endless "heartbeat" messages if I
> a) use any resolution _other than_ 1024x768 in the bootloader.

I am not sure how to do this.  I did try setting the DRM_MAX_RESOLUTION_* in
in the kernel but I just get a blank screen when drmkms kicks in.  The
machine isn't hung, just no display.

> b) use any font _other than_ the built-in ones (8x16, 16x32) when
>    compiling the kernel.

I only have FONTBOLD_8x16 and FONTBOLD_16x32 in my kernel config.

> If I leave things at the default, then the modesetting driver works
> reasonably OK (it has a tendency to hang if a lot of text is being spewed
> on the screen--like with a `find /'--but, that's a problem even on
> Linux...).

That is good - I am missing X at the moment.

I had a bit of a search for information on i915 and found the Intel
doco.  One of them is a document that has about 40 pages of errata work
arounds which is downright scary.  I know that the NetBSD driver does
apply work arounds as part of the code but I am wondering if there is
one that has slipped through the cracks, there do seem to be quite
a few work arounds for gpu hangs.

Brett Lymn
Sent from my NetBSD device.

"We are were wolves",
"You mean werewolves?",
"No we were wolves, now we are something else entirely",

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