On Thu, 1 Feb 2024, Martin Husemann wrote:

This is fallout from usr.bin/tic.c:

revision 1.33
date: 2020-03-27 16:11:57 +0100;  author: christos;  state: Exp;  lines: +21 
-17;  commitid: 2Q6C4aNTDvrFf32C;
As described in tech-userlevel:
- Store new format entries as <name>@v3
- Lookup first <name>@v3 and then <name> if that is not found.

... is what the log says, but, what's actually stored is `<name>,v3`:

$ fgrep -q @v3 /usr/share/misc/terminfo.cdb || echo not found
not found
$ fgrep -q ,v3 /usr/share/misc/terminfo.cdb && echo found


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