On Tue, 5 Mar 2024, matthew green wrote:

> ah.  the problem is that struct isc_nmhandle grew a pointer member,
> adding 4 bytes to the struct size, and it uses C99 [] variable array
> for the final member, which is later assigned to other pointers, and
> this memory was now only 4-byte aligned.  this hack patch works to
> stop named crashing for me, but i'll let christos figure out what the
> right general solution here is.
> .mrg.
> Index: lib/isc/netmgr/netmgr-int.h
> [diff]

Thanks for the rapid analysis and workaround.  I've applied it to my
netbsd-10 tree, rebuilt sparc and am updating now.

In the interrim, pointing the mailserver's 'resolv.conf' at my backup
nameserver instead of itself and restarting sendmail has allowed mail
to start working again.

The backup nameserver is amd64 so should not have a problem with the
changes in the new BIND when I get a chance to update it to 10.0_RC5.

(I had long before set the "kern.defcorename=/var/tmp/cores/%n.core",
but there was nothing there.  I forget if the subdirectory "cores" will
be automatically created or not, but it still isn't present on the

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