Takers... any takers..... From: Noble, Kathleen <kathleen.no...@intel.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 3:23 PM To: CVE Private Eboard Discussions <cve-private-eboard-l...@mitre.org>; CVE Program Secretariat <cve-prog-secretar...@mitre.org> Subject: [EXT] OpenSSF Meeting Part Deux
Hi Friends, The OpenSSF folks have invited us back to their by-weekly working group for another chat on Monday 4Oct at 4PM EST. We focused the last conversation with this audience on the CVE Program, what it is and what its is not. The next session should focus on the technical development work we are undertaking. It might be a good idea to walk through the 5 required parts of a CVE Entry, and talk about the services. Unfortunately, I need help. Well actually, I need to hand the conversation over to someone that can speak intelligently about the technical stuff and answer questions. Please advise? Katie Katie Noble Director, Intel PSIRT and Bug Bounty 503-207-8783 kathleen.no...@intel.com<mailto:kathleen.no...@intel.com> Keybase: katienoble