On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones
<simo...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> | 2) I've gotten really interested in array copying performance lately.
> Do the new primops help?  (I'm not sure if they've made it in yet, and Simon 
> M is on hol.)

They do, inserts get faster and are on par with Data.Map with the new
primops. I think we can take it much further though. C compilers go to
great length at optimizing memcpy but we're not getting much of the
benefit here because 1) we get extra overhead from two function calls
(first to the C-- primop and then to C memcpy) and 2) memcpy cannot be
inlined into the C-- code so the C compiler doesn't have much static
information to go on when compiling memcpy (e.g. it cannot unroll the


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