On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 11:21 PM, Simon Hengel <s...@typeful.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> we have several issues on Haddock's ghc-7.6 branch.  I fixed some of
> those, but some still persist.
> Isolated, none of those issues are a big deal.  But combined they are.
> Is there a way we can prevent situations like this in the future?  Would
> it work to establish the convention that if you change Haddock you have
> to build a vanilla Haddock (say without in-ghc-tree) and run the test
> suite?

Is there a build bot that builds haddock and runs its tests on a
regular basis? That's the best way I know to keep things from
regressing without spending too much effort.

-- Johan

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