Hi Alec,

I hope you had a good weekend as well. I am also not opposed to having a
working group in this area, I think a venue for cryptography subject matter
experts to work together to better capture cryptographic weaknesses would
be great. Similar to Chris, do you have any thoughts on what this working
group might produce that would require approval/review by us?


On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 12:20 PM Chris Eng <c...@veracode.com> wrote:

> Is it the goal of CWE to provide prescriptive guidance on these things?
> If so, then you might need a working group to keep up with developments in
> the space, since NIST updates infrequently and usually lags behind industry
> best practices.
> Or is it enough just to have categories for insecure algorithm, insecure
> hashing, predictable PRNG, etc. without getting into the weeds?  If our aim
> is simply to categorize weaknesses, then keeping up with implementation
> details might be out of scope.
> I am not opposed to it but would like to better understand what problem
> you are trying to solve here.
> *From:* Alec J Summers <asumm...@mitre.org>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 8, 2021 11:11 AM
> *To:* CWE CAPEC Board <cwe-capec-board-list@mitre.org>
> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Proposed action: Establishing CWE/CAPEC Crypto
> Working Group
> *This email originated from outside of Veracode.*
> ------------------------------
> Dear Board Members,
> Good morning! I hope you all had an excellent holiday weekend.
> I wanted to update you all on a plan of action around establishing a
> cryptography working group.
> Unlike many other topics covered by CWE, cryptography requires highly
> specialized knowledge to perform correctly. Since CWE's early days, that
> knowledge has evolved, but CWE entries have not kept up with the pace of
> change.
> The CWE crypto team is nearing a point in which it must make decisions
> about how to represent and organize certain concepts in ways that are
> understandable to developers while being consistent with current
> perspectives and principles within the cryptography community.
> Accordingly, a CWE working group could provide focused discussion to give
> confidence that changes will be beneficial to CWE users.
> A cryptography working group would be very helpful to the modernization of
> CWE with respect to cryptography, key management, hashing,
> randomness/predictability, and other related concepts. The group could be
> drawn from CWE crypto team members, interested parties from the CWE
> research list, people who have provided feedback on earlier questions from
> the crypto team, and focused outreach to knowledgeable individuals from
> academia, NIST, and security consultants.
> The working group might start off informally with e-mail discussion on
> broader modernization strategies for CWE with respect to crypto, then
> diving into individual topics needing resolution and discussion. A monthly
> meeting might be appropriate for richer discussion. It is not clear how
> long this working group would be necessary, but regular discussions might
> be necessary until at least April 2021. Its benefits would pay off
> immediately, possibly influencing changes in CWE 4.6, scheduled for release
> in late October.
> Please let me know if you have any thoughts or objections to this plan of
> action.
> Cheers,
> Alec
> p.s. If you haven’t had a chance to provide feedback to the DRAFT
> CWE/CAPEC Board Charter, please do so by 9/13.
> --
> *Alec J. Summers*
> Cyber Solutions Innovation Center
> Group Leader, Software Assurance Research & Practice
> Cyber Security Engineer, Lead
> O: (781) 271-6970
> C: (781) 496-8426
> *––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––*
> *MITRE - Solving Problems for a Safer World*


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