This is still a consistent battle with SecOps teams and many clients have
contradictory ideas of best practice in this area. I think clarity is
desperately needed.


On Mon, 6 Dec 2021 at 14:42, Jeffrey Walton <> wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 6, 2021 at 8:59 AM Kurt Seifried <> wrote:
> >
> > I think it's not an OBSOLETE issue, it's an active change in policy due
> to further research and knowledge.
> >
> > A great parallel is "3DES is good. USE 3DES!" which was a GREAT policy
> in 1998. It has since been retired and its use has been banned by NIST
> after 2023 (
> ).
> >
> > Why is the password aging issue any different? In fact, it's pretty much
> identical, NIST said this was a good idea, further research/technology
> movement happened and we learned it was a bad idea. So bad in fact it
> should probably be banned.
> >
> > Also, the ONE positive aspect of rotating passwords, which is an
> attacker gets a password, uses it, and this effectively locks them out,
> means your controls are so weak that:
> >
> > 1) you can't detect an attacker in the system and you basically have to
> hope they get locked out after 30/60/90/whatever days because of password
> rotation
> > 2) your users are choosing bad passwords and/or exposing them somehow
> (phishing?) which means your access controls are basically doomed to fail
> at some point anyways
> >
> > and password rotation effectively covers this up and prevents real
> movement forwards.
> +1.
> Jeff
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Jason Dryhurst-Smith
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