The original system was running 8.04 LTS.  To create a model of it on
my Lucid laptop, I used a loopback with ext3.  Have not tried it, yet,
with ext4.

- Robert

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 5:50 PM, Mike B. <> wrote:
> Hey.  Wait. Isn't ext4 the default for lucid?  Did you downgrade to
> ext3?  Or is /var/ on a full partition?
> On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Mike B. <> wrote:
>> No. I haven't, but that might be a good post for Ubuntuforums.  I
>> wonder if the same can happen with ext4?
>> On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 3:45 PM, Robert Citek <> wrote:
>>> Anyone ever come across a scenario where the directory was so full you
>>> couldn't add any more files?
>>> Came cross this recently with a warning showing up in
>>> /var/log/kern.log: Directory index full!"   I was able to reproduce
>>> this error with a loopback filesystem by creating a 1 GB file,
>>> formating it as an ext3 filesystem with a 1024 block size, and
>>> mounting it via the loopback device. Here are the commands:
>>> mkdir -p /tmp/test/loop
>>> cd /tmp/test
>>> dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=1000 of=ext3.img
>>> mkfs.ext3 -F -b 1024 -i 2048 ext3.img
>>> mount -o loop ext3.img loop
>>> mkdir loop/tmp
>>> cd loop/tmp
>>> nice -n 20 seq 1 500000 | nice -n 20 xargs touch >& /dev/null
>>> ls -U | wc -l
>>> date
>>> grep warn /var/log/kern.log | tail -2
>>> df -i .
>>> df -h .
>>> Here is the output from the last five lines:
>>> + ls -U
>>> + wc -l
>>> 498992
>>> + date
>>> Mon May 24 13:34:03 EDT 2010
>>> + grep warn /var/log/kern.log
>>> + tail -2
>>> May 24 13:34:02 lucid kernel: [1217415.426398] EXT3-fs warning (device
>>> loop0): ext3_dx_add_entry: Directory index full!
>>> May 24 13:34:02 lucid kernel: [1217415.426964] EXT3-fs warning (device
>>> loop0): ext3_dx_add_entry: Directory index full!
>>> + df -i .
>>> Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on
>>> /dev/loop0 512000 499004 12996 98% /tmp/test/loop
>>> + df -h .
>>> Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>>> /dev/loop0 938M 30M 858M 4% /tmp/test/loop
>>> Notice that the number of files in the folder (498992) is less than
>>> the number specified in the command (500000), indicating not all the
>>> files were created. Also, notice that the log entries reference the
>>> loopback device (loop0) and have a timestamp (13:34:02) close to the
>>> time that the touch command ended (13:34:03). Lastly, notice that
>>> there are still free inodes and plenty of disk space.
>>> Anyone ever seen anything like this?
>>> Regards,
>>> - Robert
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