
Does VirtualBox 3.0 have an option under the File menu to Export
Appliance? (I'm running 3.2.x, which does)  If it does, try exporting
the working virtual box.  Note it doesn't like to export to a network
share, at least with Linux, so just export it to something like your
desktop or your /home/Documents directory.  Once it's exported (if I
recall correctly, it creates a total of three files), then you can copy
all those files to your new machine.  From the new machine, you then
select File/Import Appliance from VirtualBox.

Of course, this is assuming that VirtualBox 3.0 HAS the Export/Import
Appliance functionality.


On Tue, 2010-08-31 at 21:37 -0500, Tim Beckendorf wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have a .vdi file created in VirtualBox 3.0 on Ubuntu 8.04. I would 
> like to use the file on a new machine but have run into some 
> difficulties. I released the file from the host on the original machine, 
> then I copied it to the new machine in the proper directory. I attached 
> it to the newly created operating system (windows 2000) but now when I 
> try to boot it, I get the windows blue screen with the message 
> "INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE".  The file works on the original machine, so 
> what can I do to allow it to work properly on the new machine?
> Tim

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