
No ideas on how to reproduce with v5.0.1 the old syntax below?:
 ./MakeFrozenBases.py ;  ./FreezePython.py --no-copy-deps FreezePython.py ; 
./FreezePython.py --install-dir=/path/to/my/initrd 
--exclude-modules=gobject,pango,gtk /path/to/torrentinfo-console.py

(run cxfreeze from install directory without installing it)

I've tryed:
python setup.py build
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7 python ./cxfreeze 
--install-dir=/path/to/my/initrd --exclude-modules=gobject,pango,gtk 

But it fails :-/



   Olivier LAHAYE

De : LAHAYE Olivier
Envoyé : mercredi 12 avril 2017 17:50
À : cx-freeze-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : [PROVENANCE INTERNET] [cx-freeze-users] using cx_Freeze-5.0.1 without 
installing (likewith v3.0.3)


I'm systemimager developper and need to update very old components.
One of it is cx_Freeze-3.0.3
cx_freeze is only used to build the package, and I'd like to avoid requiring 
the user who want to build the package to install the cx_Freeze-5.0.1 package 
(despite I truly convinced that the python setup.py bdist_rpm is excellent)

In the old days (v3.0.3) I used to do the following stuffs in my Makefile:
cd $(CX_FREEZE_SRCDIR) && $(PYTHON) MakeFrozenBases.py
cd $(CX_FREEZE_SRCDIR) && $(PYTHON) FreezePython.py --no-copy-deps 
--exclude-modules=gobject,pango,gtk $(BITTORRENT_SRCDIR)/torrentinfo-console.py
--exclude-modules=gobject,pango,gtk $(BITTORRENT_SRCDIR)/bittorrent-console.py
And it was perfect for my usage (generating an initrd skeleton for deploying 
images using bittorent between cluster nodes)

I'm trying to reproduce this with v5.0.1, unfortunately, versions newer than 
v3.0.3 have completely changed and are now well packaged and thus I'm unable to 
run "live" the freezer without installing it (like I could do with v3.0.3). I 
discovered the bdist_rpm feature that is top cool, but of no use rieght now.

Is there a way to reproduce with v5.0.1 the old syntax below?:
 ./MakeFrozenBases.py ;  ./FreezePython.py --no-copy-deps FreezePython.py ; 
./FreezePython.py --install-dir=/path/to/my/initrd 
--exclude-modules=gobject,pango,gtk /path/to/torrentinfo-console.py

I've tryed:
python setup.py build
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7 python ./cxfreeze 
--install-dir=/path/to/my/initrd --exclude-modules=gobject,pango,gtk 

But I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./cxfreeze", line 5, in <module>
  File "/home/user/rpmbuild/BUILD/cx_Freeze-5.0.1/cx_Freeze/main.py", line 176, 
in main
    silent = options.silent)
  File "/home/user/rpmbuild/BUILD/cx_Freeze-5.0.1/cx_Freeze/freezer.py", line 
149, in __init__
  File "/home/user/rpmbuild/BUILD/cx_Freeze-5.0.1/cx_Freeze/freezer.py", line 
483, in _VerifyConfiguration
  File "/home/user/rpmbuild/BUILD/cx_Freeze-5.0.1/cx_Freeze/freezer.py", line 
687, in _VerifyConfiguration
  File "/home/user/rpmbuild/BUILD/cx_Freeze-5.0.1/cx_Freeze/freezer.py", line 
702, in _GetBaseFileName
    raise ConfigError("no base named %s", name)
cx_Freeze.freezer.ConfigError: no base named Console

I'm not a python user, just a sysadmin that knows Makefiles, bash, perl, c and 
who wants to fix old blocks in systemimager product, so if someone can provide 
a solution, please explain clearly as I've never programmed in python (yet).

Many thanks for help.


   Olivier LAHAYE
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