
We delegate the types generation to JAXB2,
and in the generated types, they don't generate the setter for the List types

You can do the following in Java

getChoice().add(new ChoiceType())


Hi guys, I'm fairly new to CXF and I've got a question regarding the WSDL2Java tool:

I was using this WSDL snippet:

       <!-- ChoiceType -->
       <complexType name="ChoiceType">
                   <element name="choiceId" type="string"/>
                   <element name="choice" type="string"/>
                   <element name="score" type="float"/>

       <!-- ChoiceList -->
       <complexType name="ChoiceList">
<element name="choice" type="type:ChoiceType" minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>

I ran the WSDL2Java tool using the maven plugin and I got both /ChoiceList.class/ and /ChoiceList.java/ with the /getChoice()/ method but the /setChoice(ChoiceType) /was missing.
Any answers to why it was missing and some possible work around?


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