Hi Michelle

If you do not pass the wsdl location to CXF when you start up the service,
CXF will try to build a service model form the service class. You can find more information about the service model from this URL [1].

I have no idea about your last question's automatic way. Can you elaborate it ?


Mdavis wrote:
Hello.  Hopefully this is a simple, easy question.  I would like to at
startup determine where my server runs using the CXF container.  This means
that I would like to pass in the SOAP URL location instead of picking it up
from WSDL or annotations.  If I use the endpoint.publish method with a
address, the documentation states that this overrrides the annotations.  Is
this the preferred way to do such?  What happens if you do not pass the WSDL
when you start up the service?  What does this internally do?

Also, is there a way to automatically start a service upon demand?

Thank you.

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