Hi , yogen,
First how can you tell the CXF did not pick up the configuration file ?
Can you show me the log for it.
If you read the log to get the information, then please check your class path with these two things:
1. Spring* jars are in your class path.
Because you use the JAXWS API to publish the endpoint , CXF will get a default bus for you, if the default bus is null and you do not include the spring* jars, CXF will use the ExtesionBusFactory instead of the SpringBusFactory to create a bus. Also if the you already set the default bus, CXF will not create a bus for you and use the already set bus.
2. cxf-jetty-config.xml is in the root directory of you class path.
CXF use load the configuration file form class with the spring ClassPathResource class.
ClassPathResource cpr = new ClassPathResource(cfgFile);
CXF jetty configuration is base on the port, so if your endpoint publish with other port such as "http://localhost:9002/helloworld";, the configuration you set will not take effect.


Yadav, Yogendra (IT) wrote:
I am trying to configure the Jetty thread pool. Looked at this page and
started configuring Jetty thread pool.
I created a config file called cxf-jetty-config.xml. Put this in
classpath and started my service with command line arg as
-Dcxf.config.file=cxf-jetty-config.xml. CXF doesn't pick-up this file.
My service is a JAXWS service and I use Endpoint to publish it using a
main() program.
The file looks like this:
  <httpj:engine-factory bus="cxf">
    <httpj:engine port="9000">
      <httpj:threadingParameters minThreads="5" maxThreads="5" />
        <beans:bean class="org.mortbay.jetty.bio.SocketConnector">
           <beans:property name = "port" value="9000" />
        <beans:bean class="org.mortbay.jetty.handler.DefaultHandler"/>

I tried to rename the file as cxf-extension-xml.xml, it still doesn't pick-up the config. Any help is appreciated.

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