Ok, now I think I understand the crux of the issue. As it's working for me now, I have to wonder... should I change it or go ahead with the old "if it ain't broke don't fix it?" No need to answer, rhetorical question. :)

It is a nice idea that you can setup your services/clients using CXF and not worry about all the hairy details, requiring that the client use the WSDL seems to interfere with that goal a bit, but as the WSDL is the real contract I guess it will be hard to guarantee that the server and client will match up when building both off of the interface. So maybe it's unavoidable.

Anyway, thanks for the "gut feeling" explanation, we can now make an intelligent choice on how to handle this, I hope. :)


Benson Margulies wrote:
My opinion is that using the Simple front end with an interface (as
opposed to a WSDL) is a gun pointed firmly at the user's foot, and we
should prohibit it.

Jonathan, I can't prove it today, but my gut feeling is that you are
still experiencing the client constructing a different contract than the
server is using. Consuming the WSDL is the only really reliable way to
get them in sync. At least, I'd suggest trying the WSDL-consumption
alternative and see if it works, and we can go from there.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Slate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 8:26 AM
To: cxf-user@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: simple-frontend.html

Thanks Jeff for making this change, it's certainly more visible.
However, I'm not sure that this is the same problem. The JIRA talks
about the argument name being wrong (arg0 vs. title) but in my case,
argument is arg0 and it worked fine w/out changing that. The problem
the xmlns="http://example.hello/"; argument appearing in the argument's
I don't think someone would figure out from looking at the JIRA that
they should use JaxWsProxyFactoryBean to avoid this problem. Or maybe
*should* work with ClientProxyFactoryBean as documented and I'm doing
something wrong, which would be nice to know. But I think it's ok,
because that's what the Spring client example uses...


Jeff Yu wrote:
At the bottom of simple-frontend.html, there is a tip talked about
this, see this JIRA for detail:

I updated it "Others" title to "Well-Known issue" for easily to get
people's attention.


Jonathan Slate wrote:
Just wanted to ask about an issue I had and a possible problem with
the documentation on the Web site.

In trying to learn CXF, I created a HelloWorld service using Spring
following the instructions on this page:

I then created a separate client application (not using Spring)
the instructions on this page:
http://cwiki.apache.org/CXF20DOC/simple-frontend.html (under

This did not work, the "text" argument was null when the sayHi
was called. So I set up a Spring client following the instructions
the first page mentioned above. That worked. Eventually I figured
that the Spring example had me creating a new JaxWsProxyFactoryBean
whereas the simple frontend example had me creating a new
ClientProxyFactoryBean. This resulted in slightly different SOAP
calls, specifically in the "arg0" tag:

<arg0 xmlns="http://example.hello/";>World</arg0>
<arg0>World</arg0> (JaxWsProxyFactoryBean)

For some reason, the former causes the method to be called with
as null. Also, with the ClientProxyFactoryBean, the result returned
to the client is null, despite the fact that the soap message
contains the return value "Hello null."

Anyway, at this point it's working for me. But I'm wondering if
is a simple explaination for this, and if perhaps the simple
documentation should be updated to use JaxWsProxyFactoryBean.

Jonathan Slate

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