Can't you just use an XFire client instead?


Am Donnerstag, den 25.10.2007, 16:59 +0200 schrieb Christian Vest
> I have an XFire 1.2.6 web service that I wan't to write a CXF client
> for, but when I invoke operations on this service CXF throws
> exceptions with messages like "Found element
> {}vats but could not find matching RPC/Literal
> part" - this is because the XFire web service dosn't comply with the
> WS-I Basic Profile, and qualifies the SOAP response message parts with
> a namespace when it shouldn't.
> Is there any way to lax the CXF strictness? I'de prefer it if I didn't
> have to touch the XFire code, but if that's the only way to go about
> this then I'de still like to hear any proposed solutions.
> Otherwise I see two other options:
> + scrap CXF for this particular service and do a HttpClient + StAX
> type of client, or..
> + convince the project manager that now is the right time to port the
> service in question (which is unlikely)

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