I don't think you mean a tcp/ip port, but if you do, normally the Linux
command fuser -k 8080/tcp will kill any servlet container's lock on that
port (that occasionally happens with me on Tomcat, so I have to do that,
and then restart Tomcat.)

But your question seems better suited for the JBoss forums, and more
detective work on your part would help as well. Does this same problem
occur if are deploying any WAR file, say a simple web application
without CXF?  If so, CXF has nothing to do with the problem. 

Also, I would check to see if the deploy/undeploy works with Tomcat with
your war file--if you can get it working with Tomcat but not JBoss that
also helps point to JBoss being the problem (instead of any code in your
WAR file).


Am Mittwoch, den 14.11.2007, 16:31 +0300 schrieb Eman Ali al-Maktari [IT
> Hi all, 
> I'm a newbie to CXF and web services in general... 
> The thing is that I created a service and a client with CXF and deployed them 
> in JBoss, both of the service and client are working fine except that when I 
> re-deploy the service to JBoss I get a "Address already in use" Exception. 
> It looks that JBoss opens a port when I publish the service endpoint, and 
> doesn't close it when I un-deploy the service war file. 
> I tried to use the stop() method to un-publish the end point -I called the 
> method in the destroy() method of the listening Servlet- but it didn't work 
> I don't know what to do!! the documentation of CXF is very lacks!! 
> Any help is very appreciated 

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