Am Freitag, den 30.11.2007, 11:17 +0800 schrieb James Mao:
> Glen,
> You have to do couple things in order to run codegen:wsdl2java under the 
> folder which contains the pom.xml
> You can take a look at the /tools/jdee which is a maven plugin i did for 
> generating the emacs jdee project
> How it works?
> 0. Look at the /tools/jdee/pom.xml, the group id is 
> org.apache.cxf.maven, the artifact id is maven-jdee-plugin
> 1. mvn install  (install the plugin)
> 2. Update the ~/.m2/settings.xml, add
> <pluginGroups>
>    <pluginGroup>org.apache.cxf.maven</pluginGroup>
> </pluginGroups>

Oh I see...I looked this up, pluginGroups are described here:

Thanks for explaining this process for me.

> The wsdl2java Mojo is a little bit different, the groupid is org.apache.cxf, 
> you you have to add it into the ~/.m2/settings.xml
> <pluginGroups>
>    <pluginGroup>org.apache.cxf</pluginGroup>
> </pluginGroups>

For some reason Maven seems to be able to detect the groupId for the
cxf-codegen-plugin even if I don't do this.  Adding this entry in
settings.xml or omitting it made no difference.

> And you have to change the artifact id of the codegen plugin from the 
> cxf-codegen-plugin to maven-codegen-plugin

Actually, I just found out, you don't have to rename the plugin artifact
id if you state the first word:

mvn cxf-codegen:wsdl2java will work.

(It is just that if you omit the first word, it assumes it is "maven",
and hence things wouldn't work in our case here.)

> And now, you can run 
> mvn codegen:wsdl2java under the /testutils but that's not working, because 
> wsdl2java will ask for the wsdlOption arguments etc.

Yes, I got that error and just made a JIRA entry for it.  "mvn
generate-sources" runs wsdl2java fine but not the "mvn
cxf-codegen:wsdl2java" because of this error.

> The best solution i have is to modify the wsdl2java plugin using the CoC 
> approach, in this way you don't have to put all the wsdls in your pom

> The solution is very similar to the function I added to fAnt[1]

Hmmm...for CoC perhaps you would want to place the wsdls in src/wsdl
instead of src/main/resources/wsdl -- IIRC the latter is normally for
files that get copied to the classpath, and FWIW src/wsdl is Sun's



> Hope this helps :)
> Regards,
> James

> > Hello,
> >
> > I have another CXF/Maven[1] newbie question--to run wsdl2java using
> > Maven, what is the plugin prefix for wsdl2java, i.e.,
> > "mvn ????:wsdl2java" at the command line?  Currently I'm using "mvn
> > generate-sources" instead which works fine, but would like to see if I
> > can get it to work using the actual goal name.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Glen
> >
> > [1]
> > +Integration+and+Plugin
> >
> >
> >   

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